Now, what i understand about the difference between successful and underchievers is the ability to manage time wisely. To tell you the truth, i am very much struggling with time management (sebab tu lah i xsuccessful)
. Everyday is a constant battle because there is so much to do with so little time. I was raised to be morning person and strongly believe that more things can be done when you wake up early. After being a mother, no matter how i try to arrange my plans and priotize my things to do, it will always change because my number 1 priority is to this little person who is just getting to know the world and still think that the world revolves around her. She's only 1 year old so she gets away with it. Work requires me to be away from home for 12 hours so whenever I'm home, my daughter tends to get very clingy. I can only manage to do more with the help of my parents, parents in law, sister in law and some times sister. Even they have a life of their own so coming home late without a valid reason is a selfish thing to do. So, to my dear friends, i apologize for getting frustrated if you show up more than an hour late on our Sunday brunch sessions because we could only squeeze as much time in between errands.
Previously, while helping my husband with his lunchpacks, I would wake up as early as 4am in the morning and tend to fall asleep during my pump session. However, now that I've started my masters course, time in the pump room is shared with discussion and tutorial time.
Now that work has been piling up, i do not have the luxury to go to the gym during lunch time and my sleep has been a little disrupted because sometimes my brain is just too tired and wants to sleep but my little princess wants to play. I tried to squeeze in 20mins of Jilian Michaels FastTrack KickBoxing workout whever I can but I dont see any results as I am not consistent enough.
Sometimes I feel that im too tired but then again it is prolly because I'm not healthy enough and haven't been active for awhile. That's when i decided it is time to reevaluate my lifestyle and time management again. I'm sure that if others can do it, I can do it too. Wish me luck!
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