I read in Cleo magazine this month that Jennifer Aniston practices at least 20-minutes cardio workout a day in order to stay in shape. She is one of the celebrities with the best figure I've seen.
During the month of Ramadhan, I find it hard to actually lose weight and even harder to tone up. I'm the kind of person who eats small portions repetitively. I am not really capable of eating large portion as I get full very fast. So, I eat very little for Sahur. After a whole day of fasting, I tend to get very fatigue (especially with my hectic schedule). As a result, I oftenly sleep right after Isya' prayers (not even an hour after having a meal). So, I am pretty much bloating up right now. Last Monday, I made an attempt to head the gym after breaking fast and ended up with a tummyache because the gas in my tum tum was not settled yet. So, i googled for circuit for me to do at home and found these Drop a jeans size circuit from fitnessmagazine.com! Best part is that you can do it yourself at home without any equipment! Just something I need during the fasting month! Hope I'll manage to complete this workout coz my fat is really piling up!
Drop a Jeans Size: 20-Minute At-Home Cardio Circuit
This series of 1-minute PE classics packs almost the calorie burn of Spinning -- ideal for living-room exercisers.- March in place for 3 minutes (360 steps)
- 60 Jumping Jacks
- March 1 minute (120 steps)
- 60 Jumping Jacks
- March 1 minute
- 30 Squat-Thrusts*
- March 1 minute
- 30 Squat-Thrusts
- March 1 minute
- 30 Squat-Thrusts
- March 1 minute
- 30 Squat-Thrusts
- March 1 minute
- 60 Jumping Jacks
- March 1 minute
- 60 Jumping Jacks
- March in place 2 minutes to cool down
Calories burned: 145
Calorie burns are based on a 140-pound woman.
Drop a Jeans Size: 30-Minute Run/Walk Workout
It's simple: Walk or jog, then hit the gas for a minute. Hate to clock it? Sing six choruses of "99 Bottles of Beer," then return to your walk or jog.- Walk 3 minutes (warm-up)
- Jog 1 minute
- Walk 2 minutes
- Jog 1 minute
- Walk 1 minute
- Jog 1 minute
- Walk 1 minute
- Run 1 minute, alternating run/walk or run/jog (depending on your level) intervals for 12 minutes -- that's six sprints total.
- Jog 1 minute
- Walk 1 minute
- Jog 1 minute
- Walk 1 minute
- Jog 1 minute
- Walk 3 minutes
Wish me luck! Maybe after this, I'll move on to Jennifer Aniston's workout as stated in this site. where she spend 5 minutes warming up, 22 minutes cycling intervals and 15 minutes on treadmill at 6mph on a 1.5 incline.