No matter how nice we try to put things, there is no denying that life is a battle. Everyday is a struggle.
However, with every struggle is a blessing. We are blessed to be alive and given the chance to make changes everyday.
People say, “live your life to the fullest”; I am here to do just that.
Hi, My name is Nadrah and this is my story.
I'm a daughter, a sister, a granddaughter, a cousin, a friend, a wife and a mother but most of all, I will always be a little girl at heart.
This blog is about my life and how I try to live it to the fullest while keeping it well balanced.

Tuesday, 31 July 2012

Drop a Jeans Size!

I read in Cleo magazine this month that Jennifer Aniston practices at least 20-minutes cardio workout a day in order to stay in shape. She is one of the celebrities with the best figure I've seen.

During the month of Ramadhan, I find it hard to actually lose weight and even harder to tone up. I'm the kind of person who eats small portions repetitively. I am not really capable of eating large portion as I get full very fast. So, I eat very little for Sahur. After a whole day of fasting, I tend to get very fatigue (especially with my hectic schedule). As a result, I oftenly sleep right after Isya' prayers (not even an hour after having a meal). So, I am pretty much bloating up right now. Last Monday, I made an attempt to head the gym after breaking fast and ended up with a tummyache because the gas in my tum tum was not settled yet. So, i googled for circuit for me to do at home and found these Drop a jeans size circuit from! Best part is that you can do it yourself at home without any equipment! Just something I need during the fasting month! Hope I'll manage to complete this workout coz my fat is really piling up!

Drop a Jeans Size: 20-Minute At-Home Cardio Circuit

This series of 1-minute PE classics packs almost the calorie burn of Spinning -- ideal for living-room exercisers.
  • March in place for 3 minutes (360 steps)
  • 60 Jumping Jacks
  • March 1 minute (120 steps)
  • 60 Jumping Jacks
  • March 1 minute
  • 30 Squat-Thrusts*
  • March 1 minute
  • 30 Squat-Thrusts
  • March 1 minute
  • 30 Squat-Thrusts
  • March 1 minute
  • 30 Squat-Thrusts
  • March 1 minute
  • 60 Jumping Jacks
  • March 1 minute
  • 60 Jumping Jacks
  • March in place 2 minutes to cool down

Calories burned: 145
Calorie burns are based on a 140-pound woman.

Drop a Jeans Size: 30-Minute Run/Walk Workout

It's simple: Walk or jog, then hit the gas for a minute. Hate to clock it? Sing six choruses of "99 Bottles of Beer," then return to your walk or jog.
  • Walk 3 minutes (warm-up)
  • Jog 1 minute
  • Walk 2 minutes
  • Jog 1 minute
  • Walk 1 minute
  • Jog 1 minute
  • Walk 1 minute
  • Run 1 minute, alternating run/walk or run/jog (depending on your level) intervals for 12 minutes -- that's six sprints total.
  • Jog 1 minute
  • Walk 1 minute
  • Jog 1 minute
  • Walk 1 minute
  • Jog 1 minute
  • Walk 3 minutes
Calories burned: 188 (walk/run), 215 (jog/run)

Wish me luck! Maybe after this, I'll move on to Jennifer Aniston's workout as stated in this site. where she spend 5 minutes warming up, 22 minutes cycling intervals and 15 minutes on treadmill at 6mph on a 1.5 incline.

Monday, 30 July 2012

Baik kejam daripada melarat!

There is no point pretending to be considerate and sensitive. Pretending itself just disgust me. Sometimes i wish that i can just practice "Baik kejam daripada melarat!". But in the end of the day, it really isn't my choice.

Sunday, 29 July 2012


Lai: Nadrah, you are cold, right?
Me: Yea.. How d'you know?
Lai: I can see your goosebumps..
Me: @-@!!!!

Saturday, 28 July 2012

Big Bang Fever

Kesian budak puasa ni kena bgn awal pastu beratur nk beli teket Big Bang!
Malangnya, after all the trouble, we only managed to get the rm198 tix. We were hoping to get the rm388 ones. Our next choice would be the rm288. Just now, i saw that the Big Bang fan club malaysia updated their status saying that the rm288 tix are still available. But when i tried to buy online, it keeps saying that there's error. Boooooooo!!!!!!!! Online ticket service sux!

*disappointment mode on*

Thursday, 26 July 2012

I'll be home soon~

Little Nayla
You would think that getting married, both you and your partner will need to adjust living in together. In my case, my niece who is only 4 years old is having a rather confusing period adjusting to my marriage. Being 4 years old, she doesn't understand what marriage is. I remembered when I tried on my solemnization outfit, she came to me asking, "Aunty Addah, why are you wearing all white?". Her brother answered her question by explaining that the bride always wear white. Still looking perplexed, she walked out of my room and continued watching her television show. 

Now that I'm married, she still greets me as she normally does when I return home from work. Of course, I greeted her with a kiss and a hug as usual. But this time around, I wasn't alone. I had my husband with me. She will then start asking questions like:
"Who's there?"
"Why is Uncle Ezry here?"
"Why is Uncle Ezry's bag in your room?"
"Whose stuff are these?" (pointing at hubster's stuff)

We tried to explain the marriage part to her but would probably confuse her even more. So, we chose to let her join us most of the time and adjust to her Uncle Ezry being around. 

This week, we stayed at my in laws and due to the hectic schedule, we haven't been to my parent's house in Taman Tun for 4 days now. Then, I received a phone call from my mom saying that someone wants to talk to me. It was my niece on the phone asking me where I was and why have I not come back for so long. 

"Where are you?"
"Why you didn't come home so long?"
"Why are you there?"
"When are you coming back?"
"Where are you now?"
"Why can't you come home now?"

LOL! Little Nayla, you always melt my heart. I'll be home soon ok! 

With Little Nayla

Tuesday, 24 July 2012

Bertuah punya kucing!

Since our crib is not ready yet, we've been alternating one week at my parents' place and in laws. As a wife, it is pretty ordinary to clean and tidy up the room before leaving for work. This morning, hubster off for a medical check up way early in the morn so I'm left to make the room alone. I was half way done with the bed and went out of the room to hang the towels out to dry. When I got back to finish the bed, her majesty the cat, or Dedek as hubster calls her, sat on the bed and wouldn't move. *roll mata pliss.. more than 360 degrees* Bertuah punya kucing!

Tuesday, 17 July 2012

Morning Crew's Creative Parody

Best Dressed Celebrity of the Week from Perez Hilton

Checked out and I've got to agree with him! Loving Jessica Beal's look. She has got such a rocking figure. I hope I'm motivated enough to work hard in order to look that good.

Monday, 16 July 2012

Poorer than Beggers

9:15 AM Lai, Ther Chien
u know nadrah

sometimes i think

we are very poor

u have a car and house loan rite

that makes us in debt

meaning our value is in negative.....

whereas a beggar has no loans = no debts = in positive

we are poorer than a beggar......

Kak Lina

Just when I thought that I was going to start blogging actively again, I received a phone call from my mom. She was sobbing real hard and told me that I cousin, Kak Lina fell. Kak Lina is one of my closest cousin. She was supposed to play a very important role in my wedding but had to give up the role because she was weak. You see, last year, Kak Lina found out that she had cervical cancer. She fought it real hard and was clear end of last year. However, mid january, she found out that the cancer is back but this time around, it's back with a vengence. Super aggressive that it spread around so fast that the doctors dare not to operate her (worried that it will get worse like the growth rate will increase). Without pain killers, she fought as hard as she could to survive but towards the end, she knew it was a battle she couldn't win. Last Friday, when her son was in school, being weak, she fell in the toilet and knocked her head. She called for help and passed out on the way to the car. A neighbour saw her and immediately called the family. An ambulance was called but for over 1 hour the ambulance still did not arrive. Maybe the ambulance couldn't find the way because they could hear the ambulance's siren. So, they brought her in the car and met the ambulance half way. They tried to revive her but it was too late. She had already passed on.

Hmm... I don't feel like continuing this story.. Lets just remember as the pretty and honest person who smiles a lot.. :)
In her younger days
With her son, Aaron

She has always been great with kids

Hearris, Ira, Me and Izzaz as bridesmaids at her wedding.

Thursday, 12 July 2012

Gelojoh but Still Awesome

Got this picture from Akasha. He thought I was a "gelojoh" bride.. But hey! I was hungry. At least i still look good gelojoh, right?

This picture reminds me of an incident that happened to me just a few hours before my wedding. Yes, the very few but critical hours before your wedding when you suddenly get all stressed out. Even if you don't think you are (it's all in the mind), your body just can't lie. I had severe rash attack. When I was supposed to look all demure in my baju kurung, I had to change into my robe and calamine lotion all over my body. That's when this particular person arrived to my house and the first thing she said was, "Eh, Nadrah dah gemok!". I mean like, "Man... That's awesome!" (I said to myself) "Awesomely stupid that is!" I just replied with a smile and tried my best to keep myself as calm as possible. But of course, being such a bridezilla, I couldn't retain myself. When she came in my room to take a look at the dowry gifts to my husband, I just had to be such a b***h (rhymes with witch) and said to my bestie Tira, "You know the story I told you just now? The person is in the room and I want her out". I guess she got the message and got out of my room. Telling the bride that she's fat just hours before the wedding id a big NO-NO. In other words, don't mess with the bride. To whom it may concern, I apologize for making you feel bad and for chasing you out of my room but during that time, I need to remove all possible negativity there is. If you are in my shoes, I'm sure that you would understand. No hard feelings~. :)

Protect Animals Welfare

Wednesday, 11 July 2012

That's so Lai

Me: I don't like you, Lai!
Accoon Lai Ther Chien: You don't have to!
Me: ^_^!!! (Phew! Thank god!)

Back from my 1 month break!

I’ve been hiatus for a while now (1 month to be exact). My sincerest apologies if you’ve been following my blog silently (I rarely get comments but then occasionally my friends would ask about my blog. You know who you are :p). I’ve been very busy trying to finish my office work before going on my marriage. Yes, you read it right. I was on my marriage leave. I can now add the word 'wife' to my “resume”. :p
On the 28th of June 2012, I got married to my companion of almost 4 years of courtship, Mr Ezry bin Ibrahim. I was very lucky that most of my family members are in the wedding planning and event management industry that my mom delegated tasks to her cousins and nieces. Family friends also helped in the preparations. They’ve been in and out of the house and dedicated their time to make my solemnization not only a success but also a very beautiful event. The theme chosen for the event was Crabtree and Evelyn.
  • My wedding planner is none other than my very own Mother! Assisted by Mummyang. Kak Syakura was my mom’s PA and Aunty Didah was my mom’s secretary. :p
  • Pelamin was mainly done by Uncle Raja Sani (Backdrop) and Aunty Noor (Floral Arrangements). Lighting for the pelamin was done by Aunty Gayah.
  • Stairs was decorated by Aunty Noor.
  • The tent and tables were decorated by Kak Ati and Kak Joy.
  • Hantarans were decorated by Aunty Azizah and Aunty Wan; assisted by Aunty Chom.
  • Room Decoration by Aunty Siti Sierramas
  • Sound system and lighting was done by Abang Boy (Hamka Taufik).
  • Photography by Shutter Monkeys (Hafiz Hadi (Principal), Carlos Nizam and Shahril Najib). Videography by True Moment (Farhan and Danial).
  • Bridal dress and veil was by Maya Fuaad of Kain Boutique (
  • Make Up by Kak Saidatul Nisa.
  • Event Manager was Abg Hood and Abg Jaafar
  • Wedding sponsored by FAMA (my beloved father and mother)

Initially, I thought of just making something simple like just a baju kurung with lace. Kak Maya, being super dedicated, paid extra  attention to it and with her talent, she designed a dress which was far more beautiful than I expected. I fell in love with the dress instantly which was why I decided to wear the same dress for my post wedding photo shoot.
In case you are wondering why I wore hijab on my solemnization, the reason is, it is believed that the angels/”malaikat” will come down from heaven to give their blessings during solemnization. So, it is advisable to cover our “aurat” during the ceremony.
My entourage or “dulang” girls were all in a different colored plain baju kurung with lace sewn on their sleeves. Their hijab were sewn by Kak Joy.
My “accidental” pengapit was none other than my beloved niece cousin, Ira. I think it was fate that she was meant to be with me throughout the whole experience. She kept my wedding jitters in control. Drawbacks? We couldn’t stop talking to each other that we were constantly reminded to keep quiet. LOL!
Anyway, it is so unfortunate that I can’t share pictures just yet. I can only share a teaser picture from ShutterMonkeys.
Below is the video by TrueMoment produced within 24 hours so that it can be shown during our wedding reception. Even tho it was produced within a very short period of time, both my husband and I love the video and were very happy with the result. Kudos to TrueMoment! Hubster chose the song for this one. They are currently in the works of producing a video containing all of the highlights using "post-rock" music. Honestly, I can't wait for the final product! If you are looking for a videographer, I would personally recommend them. :)

Most of the videographers and photographers will be showing us the results within these two weeks. I can't wait to meet up with Qippy Photography team tomorrow night. Will update the details soon!