No matter how nice we try to put things, there is no denying that life is a battle. Everyday is a struggle.
However, with every struggle is a blessing. We are blessed to be alive and given the chance to make changes everyday.
People say, “live your life to the fullest”; I am here to do just that.
Hi, My name is Nadrah and this is my story.
I'm a daughter, a sister, a granddaughter, a cousin, a friend, a wife and a mother but most of all, I will always be a little girl at heart.
This blog is about my life and how I try to live it to the fullest while keeping it well balanced.

Tuesday 7 May 2013

Eryll Ezara binti Ezuan

24th April was a very sad day for all of us. Everyone was looking forward to the birth of little Eryll Ezara. She would have been my in laws first grandchild and my brother in law's first born. Hubster and I already had plans on getting her a zoobie and how she would be friends with our Chicarito. It's so unfortunate that we didn't get to meet. Little Eryll Ezara passed on in her mother a few days before (according to the doctor at least 48 hours before her delivery).

It all start about the Saturday before. Kak Ida, the mother posted a picture on Instagram with quote "No somersault since yesterday?". Since she was adviced that everything is ok as the pregnancy has come to term (just 2 weeks before the due date), she thought it was ok. To the contrary, when the baby has come to full term, the baby should move at least 10 times within 12 hours. But how was she supposed to know as the friend who gave the advice had a child and it was her first pregnancy. She felt the pain but knew that it wasn't labor pain and held on. It wasn't until Wednesday when Kak Ida couldn't take it and went home on MC. That afternoon, she bled non stop and called for her husband's aid. At that point of time, the baby just wanted to come out. They had to choice but to deliver the baby at home.

Around 4pm, Hubster received a call from his brother with shaken voice telling him to come home quick; Kak Ida has delivered but the baby is not moving. Sigh! That is every parent's fear, to receive a baby who is fully termed but not moving. By the time they reached the hospital, there was nothing that could be done. The doctor told us that the baby have passed on for at least 48 hours. He added that the baby had a heart failure and if she were to have made it, she will have to suffer going for surgeries. 

It wasn't easy for any of us as everyone was excited for her arrival. In fact, they just fixed her crib the day before. I was not allowed to go near the baby but I could see from afar that she was a very cute baby. She had the physical traits of both her parents, looks like her dad but with her mother's nose, her mother's fair skin and she was tall just like her parents. 

Baby Eryll Ezara, we miss you already. No words can describe how sad we are of your passing but we strongly believes that Allah S.W.T. loves you more and would like to protect from the cruelty of the world. 

Lots of Love, Hugs and Kisses,
Aunty Addah, Uncle AG and Little Chica

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