No matter how nice we try to put things, there is no denying that life is a battle. Everyday is a struggle.
However, with every struggle is a blessing. We are blessed to be alive and given the chance to make changes everyday.
People say, “live your life to the fullest”; I am here to do just that.
Hi, My name is Nadrah and this is my story.
I'm a daughter, a sister, a granddaughter, a cousin, a friend, a wife and a mother but most of all, I will always be a little girl at heart.
This blog is about my life and how I try to live it to the fullest while keeping it well balanced.

Friday 25 May 2012

Dry skin?

My mom is most oftenly one of those people who buys things and forgets about them 2 weeks after. Products and vitamins especially. For the first fews days, she will use/eat them religiously. As days pass by, she uses it less and less to a point she forgts about it. Same goes to the free samples she gets. One of which was a body cream from L'erbolario. Since it's been lying on her dresser for like ages and i'm at the brink of trying to to save as much money as i can yet i need to take care of my skin because i'm fetting married, I took the cream and decided to give it a try.

You see, i've always suffered from combination skin (oily and dry) yet sensitive. Sometimes, i just opt not to use anything. Big mistake! My skin turned out to be dry and wrinkly! I tried a lot of products. Vaseline didn't work. The effect was gone after 3 hours and reapplication is needed. Johnson's baby lotiin gave me a rash and so did body shop's. So, i tried on this body cream and surprise suprise! There wasn't any rash. My skin was moisturized throughout the day that i had to instantly call Tira and invited her to do a little splurging.

The salesperson let me try on a few things. Even the smell of the product was awesome! Especially those organic ones which cost a few hundred (apparently, 100% organic stuff are like super expensive). She adviced me that to keep the skin nourished and lustre, it is best to use both the body oil and cream (oil first then cream). Body oil did scare me a little considering the oily parts of my skin but their body oil is highly absorbent and does not cause any oily effect. A bottle of body oil cost me rm119. Since it was going to hurt my wallet, i just bought the body oil first. Then, just last night, my mom got me the body cream. Yeay! Now i have the two combination for soft, supple and nourished skin before my wedding! Thank you, Mama!

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