No matter how nice we try to put things, there is no denying that life is a battle. Everyday is a struggle.
However, with every struggle is a blessing. We are blessed to be alive and given the chance to make changes everyday.
People say, “live your life to the fullest”; I am here to do just that.
Hi, My name is Nadrah and this is my story.
I'm a daughter, a sister, a granddaughter, a cousin, a friend, a wife and a mother but most of all, I will always be a little girl at heart.
This blog is about my life and how I try to live it to the fullest while keeping it well balanced.

Sunday 23 September 2012

Something to Share: Sleep and Wake Up Early

People always make fun of me for sleeping early and starting my day early. Well, Boo-Yah people! Here is something to share: 

For a clearer view on what is stated in the picture: 
Early to bed and early to rise are habits taught by the Messenger pbuh.

Those who unnecessarily or habitually delay going to bed may not realise the harm to their mental, physical, spiritual & social well being.

Similarly those who get up very late each day, allowing laziness to overpower them would have their share of obstacles & negativities as a result.

Once this becomes a habit, it can lead
to the break up of marriages, feuds within the families, flaring of tempers, loss of income, failure at school or work, loss of concentration, a constant lethargic feeling and becoming an irritation to those we live with.

It can also cause deep unexplained discontentment, sadness or even put us into a depressive mode.

We MUST fight laziness to succeed!


  1. yeah, orang pon selalu cakap i macam nenek2 orang tua tido awal... tapi i rasa lagi cergas kalau tido awal dan bangun awal compared to tido lambat dan bangun lambat. I still do that but i do it during weekends. tapi tak la selalu pon. most of the time pukul 5 i dah jaga pon.

  2. LOL! Jom la.. amalkan budaya sihat... pagi2 pergi exercise.. pastu bfast... then baru pk nk pergi pasar ke tak.. ahaks!

  3. i agree activity sampai exercise... yang pegi pasar tu... kenapa kena pk? bukan kite nak pegi pon... pegi pasar ni keja orang laki taw ;)
