No matter how nice we try to put things, there is no denying that life is a battle. Everyday is a struggle.
However, with every struggle is a blessing. We are blessed to be alive and given the chance to make changes everyday.
People say, “live your life to the fullest”; I am here to do just that.
Hi, My name is Nadrah and this is my story.
I'm a daughter, a sister, a granddaughter, a cousin, a friend, a wife and a mother but most of all, I will always be a little girl at heart.
This blog is about my life and how I try to live it to the fullest while keeping it well balanced.

Sunday, 21 December 2014

Meet Zara's Brother

Meet my handsome GodSon, Mizan
I'm quite certain the moment you read the title, the first thought that comes in mind is a picture of a fetus via ultrasound. Sorry to disappoint you but this isn't the case. As you all know, Zara is an exclusively Breastfed baby. She will not accept any form of milk unless it is from her mother. Not only that, now that she's older, she will only drink straight from the tap. So, the moment I reach home, she will go full throttle. In order to maintain my supply, I will still have to pump milk during office hours. My frozen ebm stock was filling up the freezer and we just didn't know what to do with it. Coincidentally, my best friend was looking for a Fairy Dairy Godmother. She didn't need much as long as there are some for her son. After discussing with hubster, we decided to give the stock to her and keep on supplying.

Memoir Affair 2008

You see, in Islam, being a Dairy Godparent is a very important role to take. A huge responsibility that Dairy GodSibblings are not allowed to be married. However, aside from the restrictions, there's also the brighter side where by the act creates a bond that we become family. We thought long and hard before making our decision. Somehow we believe this is the best way it is and think that we just brought our relationship from best friends to a whole new level as family. At the moment, we are slowly trying to educate our children and bring them up as siblings. I know there are precautions that will have to be taken into considerations but I believe that anything that comes from a good cause there will be more good coming from it, InsyaAllah.. 

With Mizan at Chawan, Bangsar last Saturday

p/s: I've got to be the Chic-est Fairy GodMother, right? Just need to look for a wand with a subtle bling. Chanel Maybe? LOL!

Saturday, 20 December 2014

Follow Up on My Previous Post

It worked! After taking 1000mg Calcium Supplements a day, I can really feel my stock filling up! If only I was told about it earlier. So, if you are nursing and started having your menstrual cycle, do take calcium supplements to ensure that your supply isn't affected! Thank God for Ostematrix! Now my baby is happy with her drug and falls deeply asleep after a warm drink straight from the tap!

A Happy Baby makes A Happy Mommy! 

Thursday, 18 December 2014

Calcium Requirement Especially for A Nursing Mother while havingMenstruation

Recently, my doctor cousin, Ezyana posted on facebook on how she has to start taking the 2g daily calcium requirement considering that she's taking the effect of falling a little more than what she expected. However, she puts the blame on age and the possibility that she is not getting sufficient calcium from her diet. The fact that she is breastfeeding may also play apart in the contribution.

Little did I know, I too overlook on how much calcium I need especially when I'm breastfeeding and have recently started my menstrual cycle back. I did almost everything right like drinking a lot of water, eating sufficient amount of calories, pump milk and also feed my baby as often as possible. For some reason, my supply was still dropping. So, I did what everyone from this era of techonology will do; ask Uncle Google. Guess what I found out? 

"The drop in milk supply that is associated with your period can be associated with a drop in blood calcium levels which occurs in the middle of your cycle, around the time you ovulate. To combat this, you can take calcium/ magnesium supplement. 

If you decide to try this, you should start taking the supplement when you ovukate until the third day of your period. (If you dont know when you ovulate, it's generally about two weeks before you're due for your period. you can also just take it for the whole month). The supplement should be 1000(mg) calcium /500 g magnesium. Make sure that you buy the combination calcium/magnesium supplement, as that much calcium should never be taken alone."


Thank god I dont have to look so far because I always stock Shaklee's Ostematrix and use it as a replacement for paracetemol. Now, all i have to do is take it religiously. Wish me luck! 

Tuesday, 16 December 2014

Making a list and Checking it... A gazzilion times?!! Ok... Iexaggerated..

No... It has nothing to do with Santa and Christmas.

Well, as some of you might have known, my birthday is just around the corner. Turning 23 for the 2nd time around, age is just a number to me. I may be married with a kid but I'm living my life to the fullest. I have a good feeling for the upcoming year. Going back to school in January (even tho it's just part time), makes me feel as if i have bigger plans ahead and I can't stop feeling even more thankful for the gifts Allah SWT has presented to me.

Challenges? Well i dont think we should dwell in it very much. Sure, next year is also going to be tough with the current economy crisis and what not but look how far we've come. We made it before so why can't we go through it again, right? Just endure it gracefully. Am sure we will think of something because for every problem, there's always solution. As a wise man (Tok Ali) once told me, "What's the problem?" There's only solutions. 

However, for my husband, this is the time of the year when he will have headaches. Why? First, let me tell you about my husband. He is not exactly a hopelessly romantic kind of person regardless how much he loves sappy music and My Lovely Girl, he really doesn't know how to buy me gifts. Ok, fine... I maybe the one to blame because I'm very fussy. I really don't get it. I give him hints all the time but he always seem clueless. After being with him for almost 7 years now, I just have to let it go. Birthday month is the time when I make demands for all the things I want. Hence, the headaches calculating how much he will have to fork out. Haha!

So, this morning in the car, 
Hubster: I really don't know what you want (for your birthday) because you keep showing me different things.
Me: In that case, why don't you get me all of them? * smiling gleefully...* besides, you owe me like anniversary present, a handbag and jewelleries that you promised... 
Hubster: Jap ekk... I forgot where I put my money printing machine... LoL! Just tell me la specifically the items you want. 
Me: ok. I nak kasut ni...tapi i nak kasut converse/keds for casual use... Maybe you should get me this shoe instead cause it's more expensive then I'll buy that one myself since I can afford it. Hmm... And maybe..
Hubster: Cepat la picit leher I... 


Stress sgt lettew... Haha!!! I only get this treatment once a year, so please do not judge me. I'm not really materialistic. If you really know me and how much i'm in dire need of new clothes, shoes etc (most of them are worn out or too big), you would prolly understand. Whenever I am about to make a purchase, i keep procastinating and end up not buying. Like during my trip to Australia, believe it or not, i only bought myself 4 pair of pants (3 pairs of exercise pants 10AUD each and 1 pair of jeans from sportsgirl that cost 20AUD which was on Sale) throughout the whole trip! But I'm still a girl who loves all the pretty things. #ilovemyhusband like a lot! Everyday! 😁

At the moment, I'm making a list and cross checking things between what I really want and need. I am also setting aside what i'm due to get like a new phone. If any of you are so kind and thinking of getting me a present, I would very much appreciate stationeries for me to use in school next year. LoL! 

Now, let me get back to my list... Have a great day!

Monday, 15 December 2014

To all mommies-to-be who are having a tough time...

A few of my friends asked me if there's an easy way of dealing with the sickness during pregnancy. Honestly, there isn't any easy way of dealing with it. If you are getting sickness, it is a good sign. I didn't have mine initially because I wasn't producing enough hormones. As a result, the walls of my uterus wasn't forming that well that I had a case of bleeding. Only after taking the hormone pills that the sickness kick in. No it wasn't morning nor afternoon, it was all day sickness. To make things even more interesting, during my 1 week of bed-rest period, my husband had a knee surgery to reconstruct his ligament and remove a portion of his meniscus. 

Since hubster was recovering from a major knee surgery and we were moving to our first and new home, I had to be the strong one and so was Zara or Lil Chica as I call her when she was in my womb. We assisted hubster as he regain his physical well being.

Financially, it was pretty tight. Not only that we have to pay for the medical fees (the hormone pills weren't cheap) but we also had to bear physio therapy sessions 3 times a week (RM120 per session). There are 4 weeks a month so you do the math. When we heard about Hypnobirth class, we had a discussion about our financial status and whether we can afford it. However, I strongly believe that every challenge is a blessing in disguise and a child is the best gift of life there is. If you think that it is for the best for your child, no matter how hard things are, you will be able to find everything you need (especially when God, in our case Allah SWT will always give us what we need instead of what we want). 

There were also a few incidents that spiritually affected me like how my sister in law had a macerated childbirth. Read all about it here: Eryll Ezara binti Ezuan. Everyone was in a grieving period for months. It was a very tough period even for us as we weren't sure how things will turn out. Every now and then, we will panic should Lil Chica move less.  

Alhamdulillah, we made it through. I know that some would say that it is easy for me to say considering that both hubster and I come from a middle class family. If you read my previous post, Never thought I'ld say this but I want to be a Fisherman! (or Woman). Things weren't handed to us on a silver platter. Now, when I was asked how do I manage to have so much energy and still have an ambition to do more, I'ld say that my experience and the challenges I faced prepped me for my life today.

If you are going through a tough time, the best way of dealing with it is to endure it. If it is the hormones, it is a good sign. It is understandable if you are moody, grumpy etc. After all, you can't control it. Nothing comes easy but sooner or later, it will pass and the reward is going to be far more priceless. I see it every time I look at my little girl laughing cheekily at me. God is always fair. Have faith and be strong. You'll be surprise with the strength you have. After all, you are a woman.

Sunday, 12 October 2014

Superwoman in the Making

"How was your weekend?"

That's the favorite question to be asked on every Monday.

Lets see....

Woke Up
Prepare Zara for Class
Went to Bangsar for Zara's Gymboree Class- Hubs took Zara so I can eat breakfast while waiting for them.. After class, Hubs gets to eat while I attend to Zara...
Went to MPH to look for a Birthday Present..
A little marketing at Cold Storage
Off to KayEll to pick up our stickers
Put Zara to sleep
Made TTL's Homemade Peanut Honey Mustard Dressing
Prepare Zara to go Off to her Grand Parents in Kelana Jaya
P.Ramlee the Musical
Back to InLaws
Catch Up with Hubs till we fall asleep

*Too tired for Yoga so I decided to sleep in for another 30 minutes
Prepare Zara
Breakfast at InLaws
Foodgasm Fest
Decided to go to One Utama because everywhere else is out of WholeGrain Mustard... Had lunch there.. *I mean since we're there la kan...
Made more  TTL's Homemade Peanut Honey Mustard Dressing
Put Zara to Sleep
Prepare Zara for a Birthday Party
Mia's 1st Birthday Party
Was supposed to accompany Hubs deliver jars of the Dressing to KL but he said he can manage alone so I headed home to put Zara to sleep so that I can make more dressing...
Mash came over and we chatted over dinner..
Entertain Zara and What not
Prepare and marinade chicken for Lunch Pack Orders
shower before calling it a night



Yes, my schedule is always this hectic. I'm glad I could squeeze some entertainment in between and P.Ramlee the musical was very much entertaining! Thank you Hana for inviting me! Can't tell you how much I appreciate  the invitation. Just need that lil break some times. Work-life balance eh?

I was asked yesterday by several people, "how do you manage it all? You sangat superwoman!". LOL! Sure, it does sound a lil overwhelming, being a wife, mother (who breastfeeds), juggling 2 jobs with a side project and still have a lil time for entertainment but honestly, I'm far from a superwoman. Now that I'm that sort of life, I wouldn't say that it is easy but it is possible. Honestly, it takes a lot of practice and I would like to achieve more (more involvement in Zara's development and yet have more date time-when Zara is more independent). Exercising regularly and drinking lots of H2O helps me a lot. Not forgetting Shaklee's Energizing Soy Protein (ESP)! ESP helps me a lot! It really is Energizing as the name says! Gives me the boost to carry on! Since it also helps with my milk production, it is one of the main factor that made it possible for me to cope with everything. Of course, my husband is my biggest support. :)

There is no doubt that there are times when I feel like giving up but Alhamdulillah, I've God blessed me with Faith to turn to. If you think I'm Superwoman, sorry to tell you but I've a long way to go but I'm glad I'm heading there. Things might be a little different next year since I'll be taking my masters next year. Not sure how I'll be coping it just yet but InsyaAllah, I'll figure something out! After all, I am a SuperWoman in the Making.

Tuesday, 7 October 2014

Never thought I'ld say this but I want to be a Fisherman! (or Woman)

Being the Youngest and coming from a slightly above average family, people always think that both Hubs and I have things easy. We often get remarks like, "it's easy for you, we have to struggle for savings" when people explain to us of their misfortune. Sorry honey, that isn't the case for us. Both of us are working 2 jobs while taking up some projects in order to live our lives. Yes, we do have parents who will support us should there be any need to do so but we were not spoon-fed. We were taught to make the best of what we have.Knowledge of how to farm for a fruitful outcome is more like it (metaphorically).

Things aren't always easy for us. While I was expecting, Hubster had to undergo lots to physio therapy so money was very much a big concern to us. He kept calculating our expenses and we would stay in just cause we did not have the budget for nights out. I was often reminded that there are things (that i crave at that time) we can't afford. So, it'll just be me cooking till my feet swell even more and by 9pm, I'll be fast asleep.

Our normal visit to the market will be like me picking up strawberries looking at Hubs hopefully and him saying, "tak payah la..". Most of the time I would agree with him, some times, I will secretly buy that fancy treat. I kept asking my husband on when will our next trip be since I've been wanting to go to Singapore and Cameron Highlands then but we didn't have sufficient funds as we needed to allocate money for hubs theraphy session and with a baby on the way. We were lucky enough to be given a honeymoon package to Langkawi as a wedding present from AK and Kak Siti.

Honestly, I do envy people who gets things easy. Some people are blessed to have things handed to them. That is till my friend, Lai said something to me that made me rethink about things: Are those who got things easily lucky or should we be thankful to not have been handed things easily? Lai told me off the Fisherman metaphor:
If you were given a fish, you can only cook it. Once you eat it, it's gone. But if you have a fishing net, you can keep on fishing, that way you will always have something on your plate. So, be thankful that you have the knowledge to fish. Now, that brings us to a whole new perspective, don't you think?

People may not always be fair but God is. Because things were not given to me, I've learned how to gain them. Looking things at that perspective, makes me even more thankful for all the challenges that has been brought upon me. I should really start counting my blessings kan.. Also, makes me proud of how responsible and independent my husband is in working hard to provide for our little family. Thank you also for making me a better fisher.. my case, woman..fisherwoman. Love you always... MUACHSSS!!

Friday, 3 October 2014

Affordable Workout Attire

Living in Malaysia, we have very limited choices when it comes to workout attires. The usual brands that we would go for are Adidas, Nike, Lorna Jane and Puma.
Rita Ora for Adidas
Lorna Jane

One thing about all these commercially established brands is that as awessomely stylish as they look, they tend to burn your wallet (Like a LOT!).

However, after looking around, I've found a few brands available in Malaysia that is less than RM100. Check them Out!

  1. H&M Malaysia
  2. Cotton On

  3. Amnig
  4. Decathlon
  5. AshBeNimble
    This is my personal favorite! The material is super awesome and very fashionable. Designed in Kuala Lumpur! Support your Malaysian brand! There's a pop up store just opposite my house. Went there last Wednesday and I must say that I fell in love with their collection! Am so asking my husband for a whole outfit for my upcoming birthday in January! Got a pair of pants and can't wait to yoga in them!

Wednesday, 17 September 2014

A good video on Moving On....

This is a very good video about moving on post relationship...

We have all gone through phases in life when we will have to move on from our past. There are many things that we have to go through before reaching that state with we are "renewed".

"Only when you don't have to consider on anyone else when you can focus on your life and creating the best possible version of yourself"

Love that phrase. Couldn't agree more, couldn't have said better..
Enjoy watching this video!

Wednesday, 3 September 2014

Express Warm Up

Pre-Workout Supplement
As I was about to drink my pre-workout drink, I was called by a supervisor on an enquiry. It took a little while that I was late for my gym session when my gym partner, YanaAeonFlux has been waiting for me. She started warming up first. Coincidently, both lifts weren't working so I had to run down the stairs. This could not have happen at a better time. Running down the stairs had my body warmed up and kicked start my routine. Time saved kan? Maybe I should consider running down the stairs before gym... LoL!
Both Lifts Not Working
Running Down the Stairs.. I was holding the phone.. Tu yang sempat ambik gambar... Asalkan boleh...
YanaAeonFlux doing her " Thang".. Ok, Lengan dah slim... bole jadi cam Rio Elani dah.. Haha!!! I Wish!

When asked what zara would like for her birthday present

Sunday, 31 August 2014

Zara's Diet

Deciding on how to wean Zara was not an easy task for me. To be frank, I would really like to use the Baby Led Weaning (BLW) approach where instead of starting with purees, they straight away start with healthy whole food for the baby to hold and munch. It is believed that this method teaches the child motor skills and contrary to what the old school taught us, studies shown that BLW babies has minimal chances of choking compared to babies who started with purees. However, the method can be very tedious and it is hard to apply when someone else is taking care of Zara when  I am at work. So we started her with natural purees of vegetables and fruits. 

As time passes by, we (hubs and I) give Zara the chance to explore. We do get a few stares for feeding Zara watermelons, nasi beryani, rice soaked in vegetables, pasta and what not. Seems like she is eating anything like we grown ups do, just at a much softer diet and minimal (like very minimal that there isn't most of the time) salt. Alhamdulillah, she seems to be eating well (not a picky eater). We get asked a lot on what's her diet like. Our answer is simple, as long as the food is not processed, NON-GMO, not salty and does not contain MSG, if she wants to try it, we would give it a go. For example, we were at Hokkaido Sushi when we gave her some of my Salmon Teriyaki (sans the sauce). She really enjoyed it and looking at her excitement was definitely pleasurable.
feeding Zara Mushroom, Chicken and Brocolli Soup.

We really try our best to avoid junk food but give way to rice rusks to help her with the gum itch she's been getting when her teeth is about the come out. Sure, her well being is our main concern. We only let her have the rusks or Organic Puffs when she had her milk and main meals.
Zara sharing Organic Puffs with her cousin Khyra. There's a lot of debate on whether these banana snacks are junk food. However, I'ld rather have her munching these than those GMO stuffs.
One of the best thing about this is watching her enjoy her food and I am glad that I get to contribute by cooking for her. I bought the App called Annabel Karmel's Guide to feeding your baby and toddler. There, they taught us ways of how to add flavour to our food without using salt. For example, prunes and thyme add flavour to bolognaise. The tips I got from there gave me ideas on how to improvise the recipes for my lunchboxes. Eating healthy does not have to taste boring. :p Zara loves the meals i tried from Annabel Karmel. If you have a baby, you should try it. Good luck and Enjoy the Process! 

Saturday, 30 August 2014

Back After Long Hiatus

It's been months since my last post and my blog is starting to get outdated. Well, it is already outdated. So many things has changed. My hands are pretty much tied up. Sure, I get a lot of people telling me that If i really want to, i can surely have time for it. I just smile back at them. Sometimes, I feel tired of explaning to them what my priorities are. Sometimes, I wonder whether do I need to explain myself. If you have me on facebook, you might notice that recently, my post has been about packed food, health and fitness; and my family (especially my daughter). Well, that is pretty much what i'm into. Here's what I've been up to:

A) My Family
Being a mom can be pretty handful especially when you have an active daughter. Regardless how my husband and I believe that we must always keep our identity and maintain good relationships with friends, our daughter will always be our number one priority. Next week, she will turn 1 year old. Can't believe how fast time flies but watching her development is a blessing. 

B) TTl Health and Wellness
Previously, I managed to help my husband to reduce his body fat from 23% to 12%. He wanted the same result so I started preparing meals for him based on proportionate eating. We don't go on to strict diet because we want something that is eating to adapt instead of a yo-yo kind of diet. Moderation is the key. A healthier option is chosen but that doesn't mean that we dont cheat once in a while. That way we can avoid cravings. After preparing meals for ourselves, we were requested to prepare meals for others. One thing lead to another and now, we've been preparing lunch packs and delivering them to a few places like Cyberjaya, Mines, KLCC and Taman Tun Dr Ismail. 

C) Health and Fitness 
Health and fitness has always been something that Both Hubster and I are interested in. However, my mommy duties keeps me away from the gym. I did join a few events but just 2-3 sessions a month won't suffice for my body to change for the better. Luckily, my husband just told me that he is confident enough to take care of Zara alone so I spare some time at the gym. Big yeay! I have started 2 warm up sessions with my colleague, YanaZ as we aim for a 4 month challenge to get a bikini worthy figure. #projekbikinibodykami Will prolly talk about it more the next time. 

D) Shaklee
My post on Shaklee may have gotten less but that's only because i'm sharing the space with TTL lunch packs. There's no denying how effective the products are. I'll prolly be repeating the benefits over and over. Being safe for breastfeeding mothers is definitely a plus point. The supplements helped me to exclusively breastfeed up till today and their household cleaning products has definitely made my life easier. I only found that their dishwasher is the best I've ever used! If you are interested in them, please feel free to contact me. 

Being a mom with a day job, part time business which requires me to wake up as early as 4.30 am every morning, fully breastfeeding, a wife to an engineer who is a part time dance instructor, active in gym and football can be pretty time consuming but Alhamdulillah, I can still manage it with a lil help here and there. Of course, I wouldn't be able to make it without my husbands support. Lets pray that I'll be able to keep this blog alive. It should be possible right since I'm a Superwoman in the making! 😉 Haha!! Gotta Aim for the Stars kan? Wish me luck! 

Sunday, 13 April 2014

Monday Already?

Is it Monday already? LOL! Gotta love the baby's expression. Weekend really is short. We tend to fill it up with so many activities. TTL family had a very eventful weekend where we took Baby TTL to Play and Learn Class at Gymboree, had a few cheat meals with friends (banana leaf rice at Devis Corner Bangsar and italian pasta at La Risata) and even met our very best friend who is back from New York for a short holiday. We also got the chance to do a little grocery shopping to prepare healthy lunch meals to take to the office. Bought Almond Milk and Greek Yoghurt to try new recipes for my Energizing Soy Protein (ESP) Shakes. Stay tuned for more updates!

Wednesday, 9 April 2014

Raya Wish List

Just saw Nurita Harith's Collection on FashionValet and I just fell for 2 of her designs: Christy Kurung in Yellow and Cashelle Kurung in Blue Green.

Since we got Zara a Yellow baju kurung outfit, I've my eyes set on Christy Kurung. The only thing is that there is only 3 days windows open for pre-order. I'm not sure whether I'm financially independent to purchase it within these 3 days. One thing I'm am sure about is that it would make an awesome baju raya for myself. Would be even better if I can pair it with Chanel's mini flap bag in Yellow from their Spring 2013 Collection. A girl can dream...

Christy Kurung in Yellow
Chanel's mini flap bag in Yellow

Thursday, 20 March 2014


Not sure whether I'ld say that these places are cheap but they are definitely worth going! LOL! Definitely in my must go list! 


#10 – Bali

Cheap vacation in paradise!

Vacation in Indonesia, and Bali in particular is cheaper than you could imagine. A luxurious 4-star hotel will cost you about 50 dollars. If you plan spending most of the time at the beach and luxurious hotel suite is not your main concern, you can find a decent hotel for only 20 bucks.

#9 – Vietnam

Just look at this beach! Isn’t it gorgeous?

Vietnam has lots of paradise-like places where you can spend an unforgettable vacation. You can have a nice suite in a bed and breakfast hotel for 15 dollars per night. Street vendors offer cheap and delicious meals that will cost you about 1 dollar.

#8 – Peru

The best beaches are in Peru!

Food and hotels are extremely cheap in Peru. Thus, you can stay on a hotel for less than 10 bucks per night. Taxi is also very cheap and you can get from one place to another for just a few dollars. Why paying more?

#7 – Mexico

Spend less, buy more!

Currency exchange rates make your dollar worth a lot in this country. Mexico is one of the cheapest vacation destinations, where you can find bed and breakfast hotels for only 10 dollars per night. Other services and products are also low-priced.

#6 – Romania

A trip to Europe can be cheap!

Vacation in most European countries is not a cheap treat. But if you dream of visiting Europe, start with Romania. This country has lots of historical places. You will have unforgettable time exploring music festivals and medieval architecture. A hotel in this country will cost about $15-$30 per night. Do not forget trying local cuisine – it is delicious and cheap!

#5 – Guatemala

Explore Guatemala for cheap!

Guatemala offers tourists comfortable hotels which cost as little as 7 bucks per night and luxurious resorts that cost from 40 dollars per night. If you are fond of active vacation and like exploring new places, you can travel around the town on small boats. Such boat trips will cost $1-$4.

#4 – Morocco

Morocco will not leave you indifferent!

A good hotel, with a breakfast, all-day tea and free Wi-Fi will cost you about 25 dollars per night. Morocco is an ideal place for shopaholics and cheap goods hunters. Local markets are loaded with quality and cheap goods, including ceramics, spices and cell phones.

#3 – Iceland

Iceland is not just snow and ice!

Iceland is a home of breathtaking landscapes. It offers tourists amazing scenery with numerous waterfalls, lava fields and geysers, which you can view absolutely for free. A night in a comfortable hotel with all modern conveniences will cost from 30 to 40 dollars.

#2 – Laos

Laos offers cheap and quiet rest.

Laos is the best vacation destination for those who want to relax. Just imagine, you can have a room in a hotel for just 10 bucks. A usual meal will cost you one dollar. A dinner in a luxurious restaurant will cost $20 per person. And do not forget about massage that costs around 6 dollars.

#1 – Cambodia

White sand, clear water and cheap services. What can be better?

A day in a city hotel will cost you about 10 dollars. Restaurants are also cheap. Thus, a group of five people can have a substantial meal for only 20 dollars.

Monday, 17 March 2014

Biased and unprofessional? I guess in this case, I'm ok with that

I guess it is true what they say that you will have a different perspective of life once you are a mother. In my case it started when I was pregnant. Having to go through all the pregnancy sickness, we put aside our vanity and think more about the health of our fetus. It's like when we go in and out of the toilet, not once came in our mind that your baby is a nuisance to you. Unconditional love comes naturally that you wouldn't mind dying for someone you've never met. From there, you can know how much your mother loves you. Going through childbirth makes me appreciate my mother even more. I remembered scolding my husband a lot and wouldn't stop telling my mom how much I love her as I endured labor pain. The whole experience makes me even more defensive towards my mom that I've decided to remove a particular person from my life for saying awful things about my mother. I'm quite certain that my mother, just like any other human being, is flawed but I don't appreciate it when the particular person brings up my mom as a bad choice of caterer for providing insufficient food. Not especially when my mom bought a few pieces of the person's frozen food in support of her business without thinking twice. When comfronted on the matter, the person says that it was the waiter's fault. If it were so, my mother brought up as the person who provided insufficient food and as a result, embarassment was incurred and the family's image is tarnished. They always say that it doesn't matter what happens to you. What matters is how you respond. I've always been straight forward and I'm not the kind to put on a kind face even if I do not like/agree to a person. If you have a business you would know that managing a business can be tough but our main concern at Katie Kitchen is to provide the best service we can according to our customer's concern and budget. Professional or not, I can't help being biased towards my mom. Yes, she is flawed and we do have disagreements. On some days she can be the most annoying person on earth who keeps testing my patience. But should anything happen, InsyaAllah I will be there for ger. After all, she is my gift from God, the first person to love me unconditionally and only have my best interest at heart. Someone should protect her too just as how she cared for me. 

Tuesday, 25 February 2014

One of the Best Outing

This is one of the best outing in my life. It was a very interesting experience that was a fun-filled adventure. I miss every single bit of it! 

Wednesday, 19 February 2014

Zara's First Passport

Zara just had her passport done today! Big yeay! Ok, lets go to Singapore! *Hubster practically ignored me* Well, there's no harm in dreaming, right? Haha! We've so many trips planned out this year just to attend weddings. Heading to Kuching in March, Miri and Brunei in April and Australia in November! Maybe another short trip to Singapore in May wouldn't hurt. Hmmmmm *calculating the costs considering that we're starting our Wayne Manor Project soon* .. Haha!!!   If you are planning to make a passport for your kid, I would really recommend going to Hartamas. Since there aren't many people there and there's a priority for children under 2, we had ours settled in no time. Zara is just 5 months and all ready to be a jet setter! Now, all I need to get is one of those cute Hello Kitty luggage bag for her... Hihi!