No matter how nice we try to put things, there is no denying that life is a battle. Everyday is a struggle.
However, with every struggle is a blessing. We are blessed to be alive and given the chance to make changes everyday.
People say, “live your life to the fullest”; I am here to do just that.
Hi, My name is Nadrah and this is my story.
I'm a daughter, a sister, a granddaughter, a cousin, a friend, a wife and a mother but most of all, I will always be a little girl at heart.
This blog is about my life and how I try to live it to the fullest while keeping it well balanced.
Tuesday, 21 January 2014
Sunday, 19 January 2014
Good News from someone Special!
Congratulations, Love!! I'm so excited!
Identity of the person shall remain hidden for the time being..
Thursday, 16 January 2014
Muslim Dwi Calendar
Got my "Muslim Dwi Kalendar" from . A calendar compact with hadith quotes and short prayers. Can't wait to put it on my office desk!
The Need of Calcium Especially for Women
I've been having this discomfort on my wrist. It is more towards the bone area. I told my colleague about it and found out that another colleague who breastfeeds is also facing the same problem. She was given some pain relief balm and gues what? Calcium tablets! Erk! Did I overlook something about calcium for breastfeeding mothers? I recalled having to eat calcium during pregnancy but I did not do the research for breastfeeding. So, I went on and google for calcium for breastfeeding mothers. Guess what I found on Babycenter?
The National Academy of Sciences recommends that women who are pregnant or breastfeeding consume 1,000 mg (milligrams) of calcium each day.
And did you know that Asian have higher chance to get osteoporosis?
The National Academy of Sciences recommends that women who are pregnant or breastfeeding consume 1,000 mg (milligrams) of calcium each day.
And did you know that Asian have higher chance to get osteoporosis?
I went through Shaklee's supplement list and found OsteMatrix. So, i kept on reading. Sure, just like everyone else, I was wondering what makes it so special to be included as one of the supplements offered in the breastfeeding package.
This is what i learned (taken from the official website):
Just calcium is not enough for your bone. Shaklee has designed exclusive OsteMatrix™ to
include vitamin D, magnesium, zinc, copper, manganese and boron to
build and maintain strong bones. Why is this matrix a comprehensive one?
- Combination of three of the best sources of calcium: Calcium carbonate (highly concentrated), Calcium citrate (highly absorbable) and Calcium phosphate (providing 2 important minerals for calcium absorption)
- Vitamin D is needed to absorb calcium.
- Other nutrients in the matrix acts as binder for calcium to stick together to build strong bones
- 1,000 mg (100% DV) of elemental calcium from nature’s most concentrated and easily absorbed sources
- 400 mg (100% DV) of magnesium to help incorporate calcium into bones and strengthen them
- 400 IU (100% DV) of vitamin D to stimulate calcium absorption
- Clinically proven absorption: consumption of two caplets results in increase in blood calcium measured over 12 hour period.
- Calcium citrate prevents constipation caused by other form of calcium
- Easy to swallow caplets
- Help retain normal blood pressure
- Assist in muscle contraction and nerve transmission
- Help reduce PMS symptoms such as bloating, cramps, water retention, irritability, and moodiness
- Sleep booster
Sounds good. Anyway, if you would like to get your hands on it, please do not hesitate to contact me ok!
Basic H2® Organic Super Cleaning Concentrate
Watch the video:
Did you know that one of Oprah's Favorite cleaning product is Shaklee's Basic-H? It is also the White House's primary cleaning product.
Basic H2® is all you need for thousands of household jobs
- Ultraconcentrated – 16 ounces makes up to 48 gallons of super powerful cleaner when mixed with water.
- Versatile and powerful cleaner – removes dirt, grease, and grime from any washable surface, inside and out. Dilute according to directions.
- No rinse, no residue, streak-free formula.
- Walls, Windows and Mirrors, Countertops, Floors, Appliances, Stoves, Sealed Woodwork, Pots and Pans, Furniture
- Nontoxic
- Natural
- Doubly concentrated
- Biodegradable Surfactants
Basic H2® Organic Super Cleaning Concentrate |
Contact me for further details.
Shaklee ID: 1094108
Contact Number: 0196506186
Wednesday, 15 January 2014
Tuesday, 14 January 2014
Zara's very first Mobile Phone
The other day, hubster and I went to Hamleys at One Utama to look for our niece, Khyra's birthday present. We stumbled across Leap Frog's mobile phone toy. I recalled reading in Baby Center that mobile phone exercise is good to encourage babies to communicate. The phone encourages interaction by having your friend Monkey to say answer your call (when you press the button) and sometimes call you back). What attracted me most was the song that the phone sings:
" Hi! Sing with me! '123 Thanks for calling me; 321 say Good bye when you're done!' Goodbye!"
By the way, I love love love Leap Frog's toys and think that they are totally awesome! Without thinking that much, we bought the phone for her. She's such a lucky princess. I got my first phone when i was 15 years old! LoL! Anyway, both hubster and I are big fans of toys. Not really sure who is more excited; us or Zara.
Anyway, today, since hubster was off to get his knees checked by Dr Zul of Gleneagles (super awesome and modest doctor), i decided to call him to ask how it went and check on my daughter. I went to my address book and typed 'Z..A..' Urmmm.. Why is there no result? It took me awhile to realize *take a deep breath and shamefully admit* that I was trying to call my 4 months old daughter!!! Haha!!!
Gosh! What was i thinking? Zara was going to answer, "Hi mummy!"?!!! Haha!! Things that happen when you are a mom. :p
Zara with the Phone |
Saturday, 11 January 2014
Urm... Seriously???!!!!
In case you can't read what is stated on the picture:
There is a new study that says when a women sits on a guys hip when he is doing a chest press, his testosrerone rise up to about 97.9% which promotes strength and muscle growth.
Maybe hubster and I can try this later when we have out own gym... What say you?
Happy Sunday!!!!
*For this week, Sunday is my rest (from exercise) day for me. It is important to have a rest day to let your body recovery instead of exercising every single day. Overworking your body is just as bad as underworking it. Moderation is the key
Weekend Support
When you have a new resolution to be fit and healthy, it is always important that you tell the people around you what your intentions are in hope that they would understand and support you as well. In my case, quite a number of my friends are on the same boat. Some enrolled in the gym and have been consistently going. We've even created a whatsapp group where we try to share fitness motivation. Both hubster and I have allocated every Saturday for us to go to the park for a short jog/run. We were about to get lazy to wake up early when our friend, Mash messaged saying that she is going. We took it as a positive push so that we would get off our lazy bums and exercise. Proud to say, we completed our rounds. This incident proves just how good having friends with the same goal. That way, we can always motivate each other.
FYI, we were jogging at this time. |
Soy Protein is great for recovery and nothing beats Jenny Hong. |
Friday, 10 January 2014
Challenging Thursday
Yesterday was a very hectic day for me. Sure, I maybe online (updating my facebook status and blogging) a couple of times but ONLY when I was extracting milk in the Mother's Room! Talk about killing 2 birds with 1 stone. When I see the amount of milk I extracted and that I was able to publish a post, I felt super proud for being super productive.
Thursday has always been a crucial day for reports. I had a report due at 3pm and time taken to analyze the data was prolonged as a result of the migration to this new tool we are using.
Now, every alternate Thursdays, there is this Toastmasters meeting held here during lunch hour. I've always wanted to go (since like forever) in order to work on my Public Speaking skills. Kindly note that, this is a non work related initiation. It is just for my personal gain.
There I was, contemplating on whether I should or should not go. Will I still have enough time to complete the report in time? Will I have time for lunch? (FYI, skipping meals is a big NO-NO!)
Thinking that I can get the report done within the time frame, I decided to go take a look at the Toastmasters gathering. I informed them beforehand that I had to leave earlier. Even though I was only there for an hour, I gained a lot of knowledge (which I will share on a separate post).
To my surprise, (somehow it is not so surprising to me), I received an e-mail at about 12.38pm asking for a report within that few hours.
8.00am-8.20am - Milk Extraction
8.20am-8.30am - Buffer time to wash utensils, Traveling Time and Toilet Break
8.30am-11.30am - Data Processing and Analysis (Brought forward from the day before. It normally takes 2 whole days).
11.30am-11.40am - Toilet Break and Traveling Time
11.40am-12.00pm - Milk Extraction
12.00pm - 1.00pm - Toastmasters
1.00pm-2.30pm - Reporting
2.30pm-3.15pm - Prayer, Milk Extraction, Utensils washing and Toilet Break
3.15pm-3.30pm - Super Short Team Meeting
3.30pm - 5.25pm - Reporting
5.25pm-5.29pm - Out goes the report!
5.30 pm - End of my Working Day!
Phew! What a hectic day it was yesterday!
Sure, I did not have time to have a proper meal but with the intake of a meal replacement, my body still had sufficient amount of calories to carry on.
Why I chose to take Cinch?
You know how people always say that if we stop taking meal replacement we end up gaining weight?
What I can say is as long as they eat well and exercise, it should not be a problem. Normal meal replacements leave your body at a vulnerable state (low metabolic rate-dependency to the meal replacement). As mentioned earlier, leucine maintains your metabolic rate so if you stop, your body is just as it is before you start taking the replacement. Now, that explains why Cinch is special and has the potential to be your bestfriend.
Why I chose to take Cinch?
- I can't afford to skip meals since I am breastfeeding. Besides, skipping meals affects the insulin production of your body which most probably make you get fat even faster.
- It contains Leucine that helps to preserve your muscles. Muscle mass is needed to raise your basal metabolic rate (the rate at which you burn calories at rest, doing absolutely nothing). So, Cinch not only helps to provide me with the calories I need but also helps with my fat loss process.
You know how people always say that if we stop taking meal replacement we end up gaining weight?
What I can say is as long as they eat well and exercise, it should not be a problem. Normal meal replacements leave your body at a vulnerable state (low metabolic rate-dependency to the meal replacement). As mentioned earlier, leucine maintains your metabolic rate so if you stop, your body is just as it is before you start taking the replacement. Now, that explains why Cinch is special and has the potential to be your bestfriend.
Sometimes, we just need to be on-the-go in order to make a living and balance life as we call it. If you are just like me who needs to be on the go, Cinch is just the thing for you. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you are interested.
Honestly, after all the productivity, I was pretty surprised that I could still stand sane. LOL! I guess, when you have the determination and drive plus resources, nothing is impossible. As they all say, sky is the limit! If balancing life is a challenge, I'ld say Bring It!
Thursday, 9 January 2014
Something to Share
My father in law may have been a notable police officer but you'll never believe his sense of humor's level!
Here are some of the things he shared:
Ape Dah Jadi Dengan Malaysia ? Lepas Naikkan Harga Barang , Lepas tu Mengharamkan Wanita Memakai Tudung . Whats Goin On ?
Pihak Menteri Juga Sudah Mengeluarkan Notis Bagi Pengharaman Pemakaian Tudung Ini Di Semua IPTA Dan IPTS Dan Juga Akan Menghantar Notis Ini Ke Sekolah-Sekolah . Pihak Menteri Juga Telah Menyenaraikan Beberapa Jenis Tudung Yang Haram Dipakai Sewaktu Berada Di Dalam Sekolah Ataupun Kawasan Kampus . Antara Jenis Tudung
Yang Tidak Boleh Dipakai Ialah :
Eh ? Jangan Buat Muka , Aku Pun Terkena Lah! 😃✌😜😜😜😅
Wednesday, 8 January 2014
Tuesday, 7 January 2014
52 Weeks Challenge as Recommended by Sri
Here is a 52 weeks program shared my a dear friend of mine. It would be even better if you can make it a 52 days Challenge. What say you?
If you have it done 6 cycles throughout the year would be awesome right?
Lets see if we can make it...
Monday, 6 January 2014
In a perfect world, where everything is clean and happy, everyone would prolly be healthy and content. God has designed the human body to be perfect. Of course, there are people who were being tested with illnesses but what important is that we try our best and leave the rest for God work His miracle (in other words, tawakal). However, the current world we are living in is badly damaged with pollutions, stress, unhealthy lifestyle and also unhealthy food (but super yummy that you can't give up). All these negativity gives out free radicals which will affect your body's cell generation. As a result, your body does not function as well as it should be (all germ busting cancer fighting mechanism included).
One easy example is Stress. Because of stress, mothers have difficulty in milk production, your body produces hormones that make you store fat at your belly, imbalanced hormones, difficulty in sleeping (insomnia) and the list goes on.
Now, lets take a walk to the pharmacy. You'll see all sort of supplements on the shelf. Have you ever wonder why these supplements were created? People in general have the wrong idea that supplements are some sort of
medication that works wonders without the need of hard work. Scientific researches proved that nutrient deficiency and free radicals are the causal factors in nearly every know disease. These supplements are created to cover the gaps in order to help optimize with functions of your already vulnerable and damaged (contaminated by free-radicals) body.
On and Off the racks, there are so many supplements to choose. If you ask me, what you should look at is the contents and the source of content. For example and omega-3 capsule may only contain 10% omega-3 and the others are non-beneficial fish fat. Some are from chemically induced source. So a whole lot of things that you will need to know before making your choice.
Since we are talking about supplements, you must be wondering why I chose Shaklee. Here are my reasons:
1. Their contents.
2. Their source : Natural
3. Halal (big plus point especially when you are a muslim)
4. Trustable (tested and there is also a physicians' reference)
5. Products are breastfeeding safe unless adviced otherwise.
6. They are economical. (Affordable)
Many may question on the risks and side effects. In fact, a doctor friend of mine is doing a research on a particular supplement and found that it has a long term side effect to the liver. Like any others, i got panic and googled. Apparently, it is a known concern and many has been trying to create awareness. I then googled for the side effects of Shaklee. To my surprise, I didn't find anything except for how this man not only had his cancer cured but ends up looking 10 years younger. Don't believe me? Try googling yourself.
If you would like to ask more information, look no further. I am now an indepedent distributor and will be more than happy to share the information with you.
Kindly look for the logo above at the left panel of this blog for my details.
Being healthy comes with a price that requires a whole lot of commitment. Why? Because being healthy requires a change of lifestyle (eat clean, exercise, sleep well etc). Those are the things we can control (unlike our environment) but may have the difficulty to commit. Which is why eating supplements alone will not help you. You can follow me on my Journey to get in Shape Post-Pregnancy and lead a healthy life where I will document my not only success but also failures of my attempts. That way you can learn and not make the same mistakes.
The Many Versions of Me
The many versions of me this year due to my pregnancy. From an XS to XXL to M. My pregnancy was unplanned. Perks of it is that I wasn't at any pressure to get pregnant. Cons is the risk of miscarriage because I was doing high intensity training. As a result, I was not allowed to exercise at all during pregnancy. Here are pictures of my physical changes from early to the end of 2013.
Sara's Farewell Dindin @ Rasta, Taman Tun Dr Ismail
It has been quite some time since I last saw my friends from my Secondary School. This time around all of us made way out of our ever so busy schedule so that we can bid farewell to our dear friend, Sara. Sara will be posted in Singapore for her job as a project engineer. Always great to spend some quality time with my girls (Aaina, Sara, Ely and Suzi). Mash, Hana and Fanna were not able to make it because all of them are away. Sure, motherhood is a great thing but some time off is also good especially with these girls.
I wish you all the best as you embark in this new adventure. Singapore has always known as the Land of Kiasus but I'm sure you will gain a lot and enjoy it there. Take good care of yourself and stay safe. May Allah SWT protect you and bless you always..
Saturday, 4 January 2014
Zumba on DVD
Being a new mom is really not an easy task. There is a lot of commitment such as child caring, milk extraction, wife duties and household chores. It would be almost impossible to find the time to workout, have a little self time and even take a good shower. Most women give up at looking presentable and getting in shape. Some even turn to taking supplements and starving themselves to shape up. That is well not my thing. So I did a little research online. I was very attracted with Kevin Zahri's site especially on the story of how a young mother got into shape. You can visit her blog at . She looks super amazing! It really is hard to believe that she is a mother of 1 who had a c-section in order to deliver her daughter. She is my new inspiration. Regardless how I can never be as hot as she it (lets face the fact, not everyone is blessed with such a pretty face), reading her story and looking at her pictures gets me motivated.
Travelling to the gym can be time consuming. So, i opt to jog at the park near my house or follow a DVD program. As we all know, zumba is kinda like the in thing at the moment. It is a combination of south American types of dances for a good workout. It is so much fun that before you know it, you are moving every muscle in your body and burn calories. One of the DVD collection was sold over the net. The zumba home training workout kit retails at only RM169. If you are in lucky, you might find that they are on offer at group on for only RM 89. The set comes with 7 DVDs and a pair of zumba toning sticks. Along with the set is a manual that tells you which DVD to play for what level and also some healthy recipes. The best part is that there is a 10-days Fat Loss program which I am about to start next week.
One of the most important thing is to really know what you are getting yourself into. Spend about a day for your research and planning and start the very next day. It is also important to know where you stand. In my case, I have not been activate for more than a year. So, I don't straight away jump into the fat loss program. On the 2nd of January, I started with the beginner's step by step routine and take a day off for my body to adjust. Then today, I did the Activation: Learn It routine. Sure, it is a little hectic having to sacrifice my sleep but the end result after working out a sweat is full of satisfaction. Endorphins does wonderful things to your body. ;)
I'll update more soon! Till next time!
Friday, 3 January 2014
Meal Replacement
I am now a member of Shaklee. Why? Because I've been taking their supplements for breastfeeding purpose for 2 consecutive months and have just added a meal replacement in my list. Since I was already commited to getting them and helping my bestfriend to get her stock, I was like, why not? I've nothing to lose.
Wait a minute... Meal Replacement?!!!!
I'm sure there are so many questions popping out in your head when you read the term "Meal Replacement".
"Is that wise? Since you are breastfeeding?"
"Are you going to starve yourself just to lose weight?"
Relax People! Chill! I've never believed in taking meal replacements for the sake of losing weight and that will never change.
With my newly added responsibility at work, I am now required to commit at least 50 hours a week. That really is not an easy task especially when I have the determination to keep breastfeeding (which requires constant milk extraction breaks), attend Toastmasters every Thursday during lunch hour and sacrifice more lunch breaks to hit the gym. With all that, it leaves me with almost no time to have a proper meal since I will always have to be on the go. Which is why I turn to meal replacements.
Skipping meals is a big NO-NO to me because:
- I am still breastfeeding so I NEED THE CALORIES.
- Skipping meals will only screw up your metabolic rate.
The reason why I chose Shaklee's Cinch Shake Meal Replacement is because:
- It is breastfeeding friendly (Safe to take when you are breastfeeding)
- Made of Nutritious natural ingredients for both the mother and the baby
- Affordable
Picture taken from Google. |
If you search online for the benefits of the shake, here is what's written:
- Provides the benefits of a meal, but tastes like dessert
- Powered by Leucine™ to preserve muscle while you lose weight
- 24 grams of non-GMO soy protein per serving**
- High in fiber, with 6 grams per serving • Low glycemic to retain normal blood-sugar levels and sustain energy
- Delivers 35% or more of the Daily Value of 21 essential vitamins and minerals THE SOLUTION Cinch Shake Mix
- With Cinch® Pro, an exclusive blend of protein enhanced with the amino acid leucine
- Powered by Leucine™ to preserve muscle while you lose weight (Very Important so that you wont screw up your metabolic rate)
- Part of the clinically tested Cinch inch Loss Plan
- • No artificial flavors, sweeteners, or colors
Kindly NOTE that I am ONLY taking the meal replacement when I DO NOT have the time to have a proper meal.
I will keep updating on my findings when using the product. It will all be documented in my "Journey to get in Shape Post-Pregnancy" labels.
Since I am now a member, I can help you get your Shaklee products. All you need to do is just holla me. I'll be more than happy to assist you.
Readers, feel free to give feedbacks if you want to. There's this old chinese saying that "A wise man learns from his mistakes but a Wiser man learn from others' mistakes". I believe that knowledge is the key. If you have any information, feel free to share. I love exchanging ideas and knowledge. Knowledge is the key to everything. ;)
Here are some product reviews you can refer to:
Here are some product reviews you can refer to:
Thursday, 2 January 2014
Zara has a bad case of hives due to an allergic reaction after being bitten by some insect. Saje je die ni taknak mummy dia masok office. Cheeky girl! Well, hives didn't stop her from being curious. After visiting Dr Altaf, we brought Zara to Devi's Corner for a quick breakfast. She lifted her head up to look around! LoL!
Check out this curious kid! She should be sleepy after having her medication but instead, she wanted to play play and play! LoL! Budak priceless!!!!! Can't complain about it because I am actually enjoying myself! Here's to a day of quality time with my priceless princess!
Yeay! Got the Sofina 2.1 bag!
Last few days, my status on facebook was "Making a list and Checking it twice. I love you Ezry Ibrahim". The list I was referring to is my list of birthday presents since my birthday is just around the corner. One of the item in the list is an everyday carry-all handbag. It was just my luck I guess that Sofina 2.1 was just launched today at 11am. Knowing that these Sofina bags will be selling like hot cakes, I quickly informed hubster about it and yeay! The purshase was successful! Now, I'll have a bag that I can dump my wallet, organizer, phone, cards, mummy essentials etc.. At a price of RM 169, I think it is a good buy. To make it even more exciting is that the bags were sold out within 30mins! Big yeay! Can't wait!
Wednesday, 1 January 2014
First Day at Work, 2014
It's the first day of work this year, feeling a little bit motivated to be a better person, I came to work with my organizer and wearing a little bit of make up for a more matured and serious look.
The never ending mails and list of things to do that keeps on growing... |
Selfie just to prove that I am wearing make up |
8.30am.... Still serious...
8.40am.... Serious still...
8.45am.... Trying to be serious...
8.46am.... Still trying my best to be serious...
Gorjes right? |
Sigh! Cost of living is increasing.. Workload is increasing.. Everything is increasing this year except for the salary.. I'ld say in the end of the day, we are all trying our best to make our ends meet. Everyone is very frustrated with what is going on at work. I am trying my best to not let the negativity affect my performance. Lets hope that I will remain optimistic throughout the year and also hope for a better side income to help out.
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