No matter how nice we try to put things, there is no denying that life is a battle. Everyday is a struggle.
However, with every struggle is a blessing. We are blessed to be alive and given the chance to make changes everyday.
People say, “live your life to the fullest”; I am here to do just that.
Hi, My name is Nadrah and this is my story.
I'm a daughter, a sister, a granddaughter, a cousin, a friend, a wife and a mother but most of all, I will always be a little girl at heart.
This blog is about my life and how I try to live it to the fullest while keeping it well balanced.

Monday, 6 January 2014


In a perfect world, where everything is clean and happy, everyone would prolly be healthy and content. God has designed the human body to be perfect. Of course, there are people who were being tested with illnesses but what important is that we try our best and leave the rest for God work His miracle (in other words, tawakal). However, the current world we are living in is badly damaged with pollutions, stress, unhealthy lifestyle and also unhealthy food (but super yummy that you can't give up). All these negativity gives out free radicals which will affect your body's cell generation. As a result, your body does not function as well as it should be (all germ busting cancer fighting mechanism included). 
One easy example is Stress. Because of stress, mothers have difficulty in milk production, your body produces hormones that make you store fat at your belly, imbalanced hormones, difficulty in sleeping (insomnia) and the list goes on. 

Now, lets take a walk to the pharmacy. You'll see all sort of supplements on the shelf. Have you ever wonder why these supplements were created? People in general have the wrong idea that supplements are some sort of medication that works wonders without the need of hard work. Scientific researches proved that nutrient deficiency and free radicals are the causal factors in nearly every know disease. These supplements are created to cover the gaps in order to help optimize with functions of your already vulnerable and damaged (contaminated by free-radicals) body.

On and Off the racks, there are so many supplements to choose. If you ask me,  what you should look at is the contents and the source of content. For example and omega-3 capsule may only contain 10% omega-3 and the others are non-beneficial fish fat. Some are from chemically induced source. So a whole lot of things that you will need to know before making your choice. 

Since we are talking about supplements, you must be wondering why I chose Shaklee. Here are my reasons:
1. Their contents. 
2. Their source : Natural
3. Halal (big plus point especially when you are a muslim)
4. Trustable (tested and there is also a physicians' reference) 
5. Products are breastfeeding safe unless adviced otherwise. 
6. They are economical. (Affordable)

Many may question on the risks and side effects. In fact, a doctor friend of mine is doing a research on a particular supplement and found that it has a long term side effect to the liver. Like any others, i got panic and googled. Apparently, it is a known concern and many has been trying to create awareness. I then googled for the side effects of Shaklee. To my surprise, I didn't find anything except for how this man not only had his cancer cured but ends up looking 10 years younger. Don't believe me? Try googling yourself.

If you would like to ask more information, look no further. I am now an indepedent distributor and will be more than happy to share the information with you. 

Kindly look for the logo above at the left panel of this blog for my details.

Being healthy comes with a price that requires a whole lot of commitment. Why? Because being healthy requires a change of lifestyle (eat clean, exercise, sleep well etc). Those are the things we can control (unlike our environment) but may have the difficulty to commit. Which is why eating supplements alone will not help you. You can follow me on my Journey to get in Shape Post-Pregnancy and lead a healthy life where I will document my not only success but also failures of my attempts. That way you can learn and not make the same mistakes.

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