Yesterday was a very hectic day for me. Sure, I maybe online (updating my facebook status and blogging) a couple of times but ONLY when I was extracting milk in the Mother's Room! Talk about killing 2 birds with 1 stone. When I see the amount of milk I extracted and that I was able to publish a post, I felt super proud for being super productive.
Thursday has always been a crucial day for reports. I had a report due at 3pm and time taken to analyze the data was prolonged as a result of the migration to this new tool we are using.
Now, every alternate Thursdays, there is this Toastmasters meeting held here during lunch hour. I've always wanted to go (since like forever) in order to work on my Public Speaking skills. Kindly note that, this is a non work related initiation. It is just for my personal gain.
There I was, contemplating on whether I should or should not go. Will I still have enough time to complete the report in time? Will I have time for lunch? (FYI, skipping meals is a big NO-NO!)
Thinking that I can get the report done within the time frame, I decided to go take a look at the Toastmasters gathering. I informed them beforehand that I had to leave earlier. Even though I was only there for an hour, I gained a lot of knowledge (which I will share on a separate post).
To my surprise, (somehow it is not so surprising to me), I received an e-mail at about 12.38pm asking for a report within that few hours.
8.00am-8.20am - Milk Extraction
8.20am-8.30am - Buffer time to wash utensils, Traveling Time and Toilet Break
8.30am-11.30am - Data Processing and Analysis (Brought forward from the day before. It normally takes 2 whole days).
11.30am-11.40am - Toilet Break and Traveling Time
11.40am-12.00pm - Milk Extraction
12.00pm - 1.00pm - Toastmasters
1.00pm-2.30pm - Reporting
2.30pm-3.15pm - Prayer, Milk Extraction, Utensils washing and Toilet Break
3.15pm-3.30pm - Super Short Team Meeting
3.30pm - 5.25pm - Reporting
5.25pm-5.29pm - Out goes the report!
5.30 pm - End of my Working Day!
Phew! What a hectic day it was yesterday!
Sure, I did not have time to have a proper meal but with the intake of a meal replacement, my body still had sufficient amount of calories to carry on.
Why I chose to take Cinch?
You know how people always say that if we stop taking meal replacement we end up gaining weight?
What I can say is as long as they eat well and exercise, it should not be a problem. Normal meal replacements leave your body at a vulnerable state (low metabolic rate-dependency to the meal replacement). As mentioned earlier, leucine maintains your metabolic rate so if you stop, your body is just as it is before you start taking the replacement. Now, that explains why Cinch is special and has the potential to be your bestfriend.
Why I chose to take Cinch?
- I can't afford to skip meals since I am breastfeeding. Besides, skipping meals affects the insulin production of your body which most probably make you get fat even faster.
- It contains Leucine that helps to preserve your muscles. Muscle mass is needed to raise your basal metabolic rate (the rate at which you burn calories at rest, doing absolutely nothing). So, Cinch not only helps to provide me with the calories I need but also helps with my fat loss process.
You know how people always say that if we stop taking meal replacement we end up gaining weight?
What I can say is as long as they eat well and exercise, it should not be a problem. Normal meal replacements leave your body at a vulnerable state (low metabolic rate-dependency to the meal replacement). As mentioned earlier, leucine maintains your metabolic rate so if you stop, your body is just as it is before you start taking the replacement. Now, that explains why Cinch is special and has the potential to be your bestfriend.
Sometimes, we just need to be on-the-go in order to make a living and balance life as we call it. If you are just like me who needs to be on the go, Cinch is just the thing for you. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you are interested.
Honestly, after all the productivity, I was pretty surprised that I could still stand sane. LOL! I guess, when you have the determination and drive plus resources, nothing is impossible. As they all say, sky is the limit! If balancing life is a challenge, I'ld say Bring It!
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